Educational program
6B06103 Information technologies and robotics
Name of groups of educational programs: В057 Information technologies
Code and classification of training directions: 6B061 Information and communication technologies
6B06104 Computer science
Name of groups of educational programs: В057 Information technologies
Code and classification of training directions: 6B061 Information and communication technologies
7M06103 Information technology and robotics (2 years)
Name of groups of educational programs: M094 Information technologies
Code and classification of training directions: 7M061 Information and communication technologies
7M06108 Computer Linguistics (2 years)
Name of groups of educational programs: M094 Information technologies
Code and classification of training directions: 7M061 Information and communication technologies
8D06102 Information technologies and robotics
Name of groups of educational programs: D094 Information technologies
Code and classification of training directions: 8D061 Information and communication technologies
8D06103 Information technologies and robotics
Name of groups of educational programs: D094 Information technologies
Code and classification of training directions: 8D061 Information and communication technologies