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Department of Software

About the Department
Salykova Olga Sergeevna Full name
Head of the Department Position
Candidate of Technical Sciences Scientific degree
Associate Professor Аcademic status

The team successfully solves the difficult task of providing Kostanay with professionals capable of developing, implementing and operating modern information and communication technologies in all areas of human activity, contributing to the development of the regional economy.

With the aim of comprehensive development of students, the department is equipped with modern computers and laboratory equipment, which allows you to study all the main aspects of the field of information technology and robotics, as well as computational linguistics.

 The department carries out research work in such promising scientific areas as software development technologies for real-time systems, effective programming of modern microprocessors, Big Data technologies and big data analysis, theory of complex systems.

Currently, the department trains specialists in the development and operation of mathematical, information, technical, ergonomic, organizational and legal support: computers, complexes, systems and networks, computer information processing and control systems, computer-aided design systems, software for computer technology, information processing and control systems.