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Department of Mathematics and Physics

Zharlygasova Elmira Zakirovna
Senior Lecturer Position
Master of mathematics Academic degree
  • In 1990 She entered the Kostanay Pedagogical Institute.
  • 1995 Graduated from the Abai Almaty State University, specialty "mathematics and computer science", qualification "teacher of mathematics and computer science of secondary school".
  • 2008-2010 Master's degree in Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, specialty 6N0109 – Mathematics.
Subjects taught
  • Analytic geometry
  • Linear algebra
  • Discrete mathematics and mathematical logic
  • Number theory
  • Decision theory
  • Numerical methods
  • Mathematics
  • Mathematics 1
  • Mathematics 2
  • Mathematics in economics
  • Professional Kazakh (Russian) language   
Work experience
  • 1996-2000 Lecturer of Kostanay Agricultural Institute.
  • 2000-2011 Lecturer of Kostanay State University named after A.Baitursynov.
  • 2011 – present Senior lecturer of Kostanay Regional University named after A.Baitursynov.
Certificates/certificates of professional development
  • "Professional and personal competencies of a university teacher", Karaganda in the amount of 72 hours, November 2017.
  • Innovative technologies of education at the university, 29.01-19.02.2018, Abakan (72 hours).
  • "Innovative technologies of personality-oriented learning in the educational process of the university", Omsk State Pedagogical University in the amount of 72 hours, May 2018, registration number No. 950
  • Actual problems of modern science and education. 29.11-09.12.2021 (72 hours).
  • Innovative technologies in mechanical engineering - international cooperation between Kazakhstan and Bulgaria 18.11-03.12.2021 (72 hours).
Awards and prizes
  • Letter of thanks from Minister E.Sagadiev dated 19-04-2016.

Training manuals
  • Zharlygasova E.Z., Berdenova G.J. Analytical geometry. Electronic training manual. Kostanay: KSU named after A. Baitursynov, 2017 - 224 p.
  • Zharlygasova E.Z., Lifenko V.M., Begalin A.S. Applied Mathematics, Electronic textbook. Baitursynov KSU Extract 30.03.2022 Protocol №. 2.
  • Zharlygasova E.Z., Fidunova A. Decision-making in conditions of uncertainty. International Student Scientific and Practical Conference "Topical issues of modern student science" March 31, 2017, Kostanay.
  • Zharlygasova E.Z. Mathematical theory of games. Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Tulegen Readings-2018" on the topic "Digital education - advanced knowledge and competence" within the framework of spiritual revival. April 12, 2018. Arkalyk.135-139.
  • Zharlygasova E.Z., Ryshyanova S.M., Lifenko V.M. The study of electrical circuits in university technical specialties through information visualization using Microsoft office applications Theory and Practice of Modern Science Issue No. 1 (55) (JANUARY, 2020).p.445-448 Website: htt ]E:// UDC 53.08 004.
  • Zharlygasova E.Z., Sartaev A.A., Lifenko V.M. Technology of mathematical processing of the results of the study of the conductivity of ferrites in weak electric fields. Theory and Practice of Modern Science No.5(59) (May, 2020)pp.500-503 Website: http ]E:// UDC 53.08 004.