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Department of Mathematics and Physics

Ysmagul Rosa Sapabekkyzy
Acting Professor Position
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Scientific degree
  • 1972-1977 Kazakh State University named after S.M.Kirov, qualification "Teacher of mathematics".
  • 1991 Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
  • 1997 Associate Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission.
Subjects taught
  • Differential equations
  • Theory of analytical functions
  • Equations of mathematical physics
  • Partial differential equations
  • Supplementary chapters of differential equation and mathematical physics
  • Stability of periodic solutions of evolutionary equations
Work experience
  • 1980-2002 Associate Professor (Associate Professor) of the Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute named after I.Altynsarin.
  • 2002-2004 Associate Professor (Associate Professor) of the Department of Mathematics of Kostanay State University named after A.Baitursynov.
  • 2004-2005 Dean of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute.
  • 2005-2009 Head of the Department of Mathematics of Kostanay State University named after A.Baitursynov.
  • Since 2009 - Acting Professor of the Department of Mathematics and Physics of Kostanay State University named after A.Baitursynuly.
Certificates/certificates of professional development
  • Innovative technologies of education at the university, 29.01-19.02.2018, Abakan (72 hours).
  • An Introduction to the Finite 03.-30.03.2018, Spain (72 hours).
  • Introduction to the finite element method 12.03-30.03.2018 (72 hours).
  • Introduction to Mathematics 24.04-08.05.2019 (72 hours).
  • Introduction to Mathematical Analysis 29.03-13.04.2019 (72 hours).
  • Structuring and visualization of content 08.04-17.04.2019 (72 hours).
  • English language courses 4.11-30.04.2020 (72 hours).
  • Current issues of teaching mathematical disciplines at the university 01.03-17.03.2021 (72 hours).
  • Differential calculus of functions of one variable 07.05-21.05.2020 (72 hours).
  • Innovative technologies in mechanical engineering - international cooperation between Kazakhstan and Bulgaria 18.11-03.12.2021 (72 hours).
  • Actual problems of modern science and education. 29.11-09.12.2021 (72 hours).
Awards and prizes
  • Badge S.Altynsarina MES RK.
  • Diploma of the Regional Trade Union of Education of Kostanay region.
  • Diploma of the Rector of Kostanay State University named after A.Baitursynov.
Аctivities in the service sector
  • Member of the external expert commission of the KazSee Accreditation Agency.
  • Ysmagul R.S., Utemissova А.А.,  Mayer F.F., Tastanov M.G. Некоторые главы теории обыкновенных дифференциальных уравнений. – Kostanay: «Kostanay printing yard», 2022. – 117 p.
  • Mayer F.F., Utemissova  А.А.,  Tastanov M.G.,  Ysmagul R.S. Избранные главы геометрической теории функций, part 1. – Kostanay: «Kostanay printing yard», 2022. – 84 p.
Training manuals
  • «Сандық және функционалдық қатарлар теориясы» ISBN 978-601-7933-29-6 KSU named after A. Baitursynov, 2019.- 128 pages .
  • «Теория рядов» ISBN 978-601-7597-59-7 KSU named after A. Baitursynov , 2020. – 84
  • «Сақтандырудың математикалық модельдері»  ISBN 978-601-356-052-6 KRU named after A. Baitursynov, 2021.– 63 pages.
  • Tastanov M.G., Utemissova  А.А., Mayer F.F., Ysmagul R.S. Solution_of_problems_for_the_relaxation. Global and Stochastic Analysis   Vol. 7 No. 1 (January-June, 2020) Р.87-99 (Scopus).
  • Tastanov M.G., Utemissova  А.А., Mayer F.F., Ysmagul R.S. On a Solutonto the Statonary Problem of Two-Phase Filtration by the Monte Carlo Method/ Wseas transactions on mathematics   doi: 10.37394/23206.2022.21.46  This article is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 ttps:// n_US (Scopus).
  • Ysmagul R.S. R., Kolesnicova A.S.   On one account system of integro-differential equations in private derivatives of first order/ BULLETIN of KazNPU named after Abai, series "physical and mathematical sciences".   №3(63), 2018. –С. 178-181.
  • КазНПУ им.Абая серия «физ.-мат. наук». №2, 2019. С.46-50
  • Ysmagul R.S. R., Kolesnicova A.S.  Some estimates of characteristic functions and matrix of a linear uniform equation in private derivatives / BULLETIN of KazNPU named after Abai, series "physical and mathematical sciences".  №2, 2019. С.46-50.
  • Ysmagul R.S., Karim A.O., Khamitbekov Zh.R. Гильберт кеңістігіндегі бірінші ретті дифференциалды теңдеудің шешімі/ BULLETIN OF KazNITU im.Satpayeva, a series of "physical and mathematical sciences". №6, 2019. -С.788-792.
  • Ysmagul R.S., Nurgeldina A.E. Фредгольмнің интегралдық теңдеулерін шешу әдістері/ BULLETIN of KazNPU named after Abai, series "physical and mathematical sciences".  №1(69), 2020. –С.174-179.
  • Ysmagul R.S., Karim A.O., Khamitbekov Zh.R. Гильберт кеңістігіндегі шенелген  операторлар/ BULLETIN OF KazNITU im.Satpayeva, a series of "physical and mathematical sciences". №3(139), 2020. -С.650-656.
  • Ysmagul R.S., Nurychova D.M. Тhe solution of non-standard tasks for the development ofcreative abilities of students in a mathematics lesson/ BULLETIN OF KazNITU im.Satpayeva, a series of "physical and mathematical sciences". №5(141), 2020. -С.671-675.
  • Ysmagul R.S. R., Zhumartova B.O.  Characteristic function of the system D–Equations/ BULLETIN of KazNPU named after Abai, series "physical and mathematical sciences".№3(75), 2021. –С.29-34.
  • Ysmagul R.S., Anuarbekova A. Казіргі математикадағы дифференциалдық теңдеулер теориясының рөлі және оның қосымшасы/ BULLETIN OF KazNRTU named after  Satpayeva, series "physical and mathematical sciences . №5(139), 2021. С.51-56.
  • Ysmagul R.S., Zhumartova B. O. Применение SIR модели в моделировании эпидемий/ Bulletin of the SSU named after Manash Kozybayev, №. 1-2022.Petropavlovsk, -pp.18-23.