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Department of Mathematics and Physics

Lifenko Valery Mikhailovich
Acting Associate Professor Position
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Scientific degree
  • 1977-1981 Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, specialty physics.
  • 1989-1993 Ural Polytechnic Institute - postgraduate course, specialty 010407- SSP.
  • 1998 Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences specialization 010407- SSP.
Subjects taught
  • Physics
  • Theory of modeling and scientific experiment
  • Theoretical foundations of power supply
  • Thermodynamics
  • Computer modeling of processes of land transport
  • Automated processing of experimental data
  • Fundamentals of digital technology
  • Theory of modeling and scientific experiment
  • Physics in agricultural production
  • Consumer electronics and electrical engineering
  • Nuclear physics
  • Radio engineering workshop
  • Vehicle electronics
  • Theory of electrical circuits
  • Electrical engineering and fundamentals of electronics
  • Technical physics
  • Physical fundamentals of analysis methods
Work experience
  • 1999-2012 Associate professor of the KSU named after A.Baitursynov.
  • 2017 - present  Senior lecturer of the A.Baitursynov KRU.
Certificates/certificates of professional development
  • 2021 Advanced training course "Actual problems of modern science and education", Kostanay Regional University named after A.Baitursynov, 09-12-2021 (72 hours).

  • Zharlygasova E.Z., Ryshyanova S.M., Lifenko V.M. The study of electrical circuits in university technical specialties through information visualization using Microsoft office applications Theory and Practice of Modern Science Issue №. 1 (55) (JANUARY, 2020).p.445-448 Website: htt ]E:// UDC 53.08 004.
  • Zharlygasova E.Z., Sartaev A.A., Lifenko V.M. Technology of mathematical processing of the results of the study of the conductivity of ferrites in weak electric fields. Theory and Practice of Modern Science №.5(59) (May, 2020)pp.500-503 Website: http ]E:// UDC 53.08 004.
  • Sukhov M. V., Lifenko V. M., Abylayuly Sh., Umarova T. A. Actualization of computer technology for the development of creative thinking in solving problems in physics at the university/ Scientific Forum: Technical and physical and mathematical Sciences: collection of articles based on the materials of the 4th International Scientific and Technical Conference - № 3(4).-Moscow. MCCO Publishing House, April 2017.-62 p., pp.13-20.
  • Sukhov M.V., Glushko D.V., Abylayuly Sh., Lifenko V.M. The use of simulation simulators and MS Office applications for the study of linear electrical circuits in technical specialties of the university through information visualization. Innovative processes in the conditions of globalization of the world economy: problems, trends, prospects: collection of scientific papers Academic Journal//Prague. Scientific publishing centre Sociosfera-CZ, March 31, Czech Republic, 2017/-170 c, pp.166-169.