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Department of Mathematics and Physics

Berdenova Gulnar Zhalgasovna
Senior Lecturer Position
Master of mathematics Academic degree
  • 1992-1997  Kostanay State University named after Akhmet Baitursynov, specialty mathematics.
  • 2007-2009  Master's degree in Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, specialty 6N0109 – Mathematics.
  • 2012-2015  Doctoral studies at L.N. Gumilyov ENU, specialty 6D060100 - Mathematics.
Subjects taught
  • Mathematics
  • Mathematics in economics
  • Mathematics 1
  • Mathematics 2
  • Mathematics 3
  • Real analysis
  • Probability theory and mathematical statistics
  • Elements of functional analysis
  • Elements of financial mathematics
Work experience
  • 1989 -1992 Mathematics teacher at Karakalpak incomplete secondary school.
  • 1998 Teacher of mathematics at the Gymnasium School named after. S. Maulenova.
  • 1999-2002  Laboratory assistant at Akhmet Baitursynov KSU.
  • 2002-2012 Teacher of mathematics at A. Baitursynov KSU.
  • From September 1, 2015 to the present, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Mathematics at KRU named after A. Baitursynov.
Certificates/certificates of professional development
  • Modern pedagogical technologies in higher educational institutions within the framework of the updated content of education. JSC «National Center for Advanced Training «Orleu»», 2019.
  • Innovative technologies of education at the university, 29.01-19.02.2018, Abakan (72 hours).
  • An Introduction to the Finite 03.-30.03.2018, Spain (72 hours).
  • Introduction to the finite element method 12.03-30.03.2018 (72 hours).
  • Introduction to Mathematics 24.04-08.05.2019 (72 hours).
  • Structuring and visualization of content 08.04-17.04.2019 (72 hours).
  • English language courses 4.11-30.04.2020 (72 hours).
  • Current issues of teaching mathematical disciplines at the university 01.03-17.03.2021 (72 hours).
  • Innovative technologies in mechanical engineering - international cooperation between Kazakhstan and Bulgaria 18.11-03.12.2021 (72 hours).
  • Actual problems of modern science and education. 29.11-09.12.2021 (72 hours).
Аctivities in the service sector
  • Member of the jury of city and regional competitions of scientific projects of students in mathematical disciplines.
Training manuals
  • Zharlygasova E.Z., Berdenova G.J. Аналитикалық геометрия. Электрондық оқу құралы.. Kostanay: KSU named after A. Baitursynov, 2017 - 224 p.
  • Berdenova G. Zh., Mutalip S. " Аналитическая геометрия ".- Kostanay, 2017 –- 142 p.
  • Berdenova G.J. " Математика 1".– Kostanay, 2018. – 188 p.
  • Berdenova G.J. " Математика 2".– Kostanay, 2019. – 76 p.
  • Берденова Г.Ж. «Ықтималдық теориясы және математикалық статистика».– Kostanay, 2021. – 99 р.
  • Berdenova G.J., Sultanaev Y.T. «Асимптотическое поведение решений дифференциальных уравнений в пространстве вектор-функций» // Mathematical journal. – Almaty, 2015. – 2(56), volume 15. – pp. 43-61.
  • Berdenova G.J., Umirtaeva D.K., Ginolla T.A. Кәсіпорындар салуға және пайдалануға кететін шығындарды азайту жолдарының математикалық моделі // Scientific and practical conference "Tulegen readings" - 2017 Arkalyk С.217-220.
  • Berdenova G.J., Umirtaeva D.K. Вектор-функция кеңістігіндегі дифференциалдық теңдеулердің іргелі жүйесі шешімдерінің асимптотикалық өзгерісі // Bulletin of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai. Series of physical and mathematical sciences. – Almaty: 2017. – № 4. (60) – pp. 21-28.
  • Berdenova G.J., Karim A.O. О собственных значениях дифференциального оператора // Mathematical and software systems in the industrial and social spheres. – Magnitogorsk, 2018. – volume 6, № 2. – pp. 10–19.
  • Вerdenova G.Zh., Davletkalyeva A.K. Non-standard tasks in mathematics as a means of developing students creative abilities //3iIntelekt, ideya, innovatsiya.-Kostanai: KGU.-2018.-№3.- P. 182-184.
  • Berdenova G.J., Utemissova A.A. and Zhikeyev A.A.- On the Behavior of Solutions of a Fourth-Order Differential System at Infinity // Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (2019 Volume 14).