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Department of Mathematics and Physics

Poezzhalov Vladimir Mikhailovich
Acting Professor Position
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Scientific degree
  • 1969-1974 Kostanai State Pedagogical Institute named after. 50th anniversary of the USSR - teacher of physics with honors.
  • 1986-1991 Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics. Kotelnikova - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Science.
Subjects taught
  • Introduction to materials science
  • Measurements in a physical experiment
  • Innovative methods of teaching physics
  • Concepts of modern natural science
  • Methods of scientific research
  • Basic principles of modern physics
  • Instruments and experimental techniques
  • Physics in agriculture
  • Physics in engineering
  • Physical foundations of analysis methods
  •  Consumer electronics and electrical engineering
  • Agrophysics
Work experience
  • 2000 - present Professor of the Kostanay State Pedagogical University of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1992 - 2000 Associate Professor of the Kostanay State University of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • 1976-1992 Head of the department of technical means of education and polygraphy, Kostanay Agricultural Institute.
  • 1968-1969 Physics teacher
Certificates/certificates of professional development
  • "Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials….» - Januar 2016.
  • "Effective work of a teacher" - National Open University "INTUIT", January 2021.
  • "Psychological and pedagogical support of inclusive education at the university". November 2-December 15, 2020.
  • "Actual problems of modern science and education" December 2021.
  • Formation of subject skills in the preparation of gifted students for Physics Olympiads, Start Academic Center, March 2020.
  • "Development of the professional competence of a physics teacher in assessing the quality of achieving educational results" Start Academic Center, March 2021.
  • Models and methods for improving the effectiveness of innovative research December 2021.
  • Innovative technologies in mechanical engineering - international cooperation between Kazakhstan and Bulgaria. November 2021.
  • "Scaling" - National Open University "INTUIT", April 2021.
  • "Designing a training course in Moodle" December 2020.
  • "Designing a test in the Moodle distance learning system" December 2020.
  • "Basics of working in Moodle" December 2020.
  • "Methodology and technology for conducting webinars ..." December 2020.
  • "Integrated and Intelligent Control Systems of Cars" - October 2016.
  • "Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials…." - January 2016.
Membership in professional organizations
  • Member of the Republican Commission UMO section "Physics" for educational programs "B054 Physics", "M090-Physics", "D090 Physics".
  • Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Agrarian Education (Russia).
  • Professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.
Awards and prizes
  • Diplomas of the Ministry of Education and Science.
  • Diplomas of the regional education department.
  • Certificates of education departments of akimats of Kostanay and Lisakovsk.
  • Diplomas and Letters of Appreciation from the Regional Scientific and Practical Center "Kostanay Daryny".
  • Diplomas and letters of thanks from Kostanay State University named after. A Baitursynov.
  • Department of internal policy of the akimat Kostanay region.
  • Breastplate Y. Altynsarin.
  • Honorary title "Excellence in Public Education of the RANH.
  • Honorary Worker of A. Baitursynov KSU.
Аctivities in the service sector
  • Member of the jury of city and regional competitions of scientific projects of students held by the Regional Scientific and Practical Center “Kostanay Daryny” in sections: “Physics. Technique, Earth and Space Science”.
  • Realization of preparation of pupils for the regional and republican Olympiads in the Regional scientific and practical center "Kostanay daryny".
  • Guidance and teaching in the Laboratory of research activities for teachers of the city, conducted by the city department of the Regional Scientific and Practical Center "Kostanay Daryn".
Training manuals
  • Poezzhalov V.M. Dunsky M.M. "Physical foundations of analysis methods" Educational and methodological manual on the physical foundations of analysis methods for the specialty 5B060400 - physics - Kostanay, KSU named after. A Baitursynov. 2017, -96 p. ISBN 978-601-7955-48-9
  • Poezzhalov V.M. Orazolinova D.K. "Taldau adistemelerdin fizikalyk negizderi: Oku-adistemelik құral" Kostanay: .Baytursynov atyndaғy ҚMU, 2019. -106 b. ISBN 978-601-7597-32-0
  • Poezzhalov V.M. "Physics in technology", Textbook on elective discipline with Internet illustrations Kostanay, IP Gutsalo, 2021. - 199s ISBN 978-601-356-021-2
  • V.M. Poezzhalov. - Educational and methodological guide for performing laboratory work on the subject: "Physics in technology" / Kostanay: A. Baitursynov KSU, 2022. -83 p. ISBN 978-601-356-195-0
  • Electronic education for students with special educational needs // New paradigm of inclusive education in Kazakhstan / Collection of materials of scientific and practical conference. Kostanay 2017.-143 p. S.6-10
  • Features of the organization of information support of the inclusive educational process // New paradigm of inclusive education in Kazakhstan / Collection of materials of the scientific and practical conference. Kostanay 2017.-143 p. pp.59-63
  • “Computer” acoustic diagnostics of machines/Materials of the 1st International Scientific and Practical Conference “Science and Education. Achievements and Prospects // Samara - Saratov. 2018 pp.16-21
  • Optical radiation during the formation of crystals, its spectrum and the influence of fields / Proceedings of the 11th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Science and Education. Achievements and Prospects // Samara - Saratov. May 30, 2019
  • Information support of the inclusive educational process / 111 International Pedagogical and Humanitarian Readings. Materials international. Scientific-practical. Conf. Shadrinsk. Russia, 22-23 Oct 2020. pp.274-278.
  • Teacher competencies for e-learning of students with disabilities / 111 International Pedagogical and Humanitarian Readings. Materials international. Scientific-practical. Conf. Shadrinsk. Russia, 22-23 Oct 2020. pp.278-282.
  • Preparation of the Olympic team of the school in physics / Methodological collection of articles for teachers on preparing students for the Olympiad / from work experience / Kostanay / 2020. ISBN 978-601-343-295-3. Page 65-71
  • Electropulse technology for water purification from oil products/Materials of the 111th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Science and Education. Achievements and Prospects // Samara - Saratov. 2020 ISBN 978-5-00140-620-4. Page 129-136
  • Heat-insulating composite materials from household waste polymers / Materials of the 1V International Scientific and Practical Conference “Science and Education. Achievements and Prospects // Samara - Saratov. 2021 ISBN 978-5-00140-854-3 pp. 196-202
  • Synchronous, asynchronous and humanized online learning and their features / "Innova - 2021" Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference. Kostanay. KRU, pp. 210-213
  • Analysis of prospects for admission and directions of career guidance work of the university. / "Innova - 2022": Materials of the international scientific and methodological conference - A. Baitursynov Kostanay Regional University: in Kazakh / Russian. 2022- p.215-218.
  • Electrical impact as a way to improve the quality of mixture formation in internal combustion engines / Science, education, transport: topical issues, priorities, vectors of interaction: International. scientific-methodical. conf. October 27-28, 2022 Samara-Orenburg / editorial board: A.N. Popov [i dr.]. - Samara-Orenburg: SamGUPS, OrIPS, 2022. - P. 145-148.