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Department of Mathematics and Physics


The teachers of the department carry out research, scientific, methodological and educational work at a high level. The area of scientific interests of the teachers of the department is very diverse.

Scientific work of teachers in the field of Physics: 

  • Crystalloluminescence. Agrophysics. Physical methods for improving product quality.
  • Cultivation of nonlinear optical crystals.
  • Multisensory gas analytical systems.
  • Gamma-ray spectrometry. Applied electronics. Investigation of degradation of photovoltaic converters.
  • Physical methods of water quality analysis. Carbon nano films.
  • Investigation of relaxation of ferrite conductivity.
  • Automated processing of experimental data.
  • Digital signal processing. Automation of a physical experiment. Multivariate tasks of the current control.
  • Development and implementation of new laboratory work.

Scientific work of teachers in the field of Mathematics:

  • Special classes of single-leaf and multi-leaf functions (star-shaped, convex, with limited rotation, etc.). 
  • Multidimensional problems for models of relaxation filtration in a relaxation-compressible porous medium carried out according to the linear Darcy law.
  • Stability of almost multiperiodic solutions of evolutionary equations.
  • Almost periodic solutions of differential equations.
  • Information technology in teaching mathematics.
  • Some problems of financial mathematics.
  • Statistical methods of processing experimental data, etc.

The teachers of the department actively participate in national and international scientific-theoretical and scientific-practical conferences, publish the results of their scientific works in national and international periodicals. For many years, the department has been actively cooperating with the City Center "Daryn" and the Regional Scientific and Practical Center "Kostanay Daryny", as well as teachers of the department are permanent members of the jury of city and regional Olympiads of schoolchildren in mathematics, KNOW.

One of the most important tasks facing the department is to improve the quality of professional training of specialists. The successful solution of this task is facilitated by the constant improvement of the professional level of teachers, the successful introduction of innovative technologies into the learning process. For this purpose, scientific personnel are trained in the leading research centers of the country. Considerable attention is paid to the level of graduates.