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Department of Mechanical Engineering

About the Department
Rahimova Dinara Bulatovna Full name
Acting Head of the Department Position
Master of Agricultural Sciences Academic degree Email address

The history of the department begins with the creation in 1984 of the department "Operation of the machine-tractor park and machines" of the Kustanai Agricultural Institute. The first head of the department was Alexandrova Rimma Alekseevna, professor, candidate of Engineering sciences. Further, the department was reorganized by dividing into two departments: "Operation of the machine-tractor park" (Head of the department, candidate of Engineering sciences, Associate professor V.Zelenin) and "Reliability and repair of the machines" (Head of the department, candidate of Engineering sciences, Associate professor B.Bolotin).

Later, tthe department again united under the name "Technical Service". From 1994 to 2000, the department was headed by associate professor, candidate of Engineering sciences B.Salykov

From 2000 to 2005, the head of the department was. Associate Professor, candidate of Engineering sciences Zelenin V.A.

From 2005 to 2015, the department was headed by Associate Professor, candidate of Engineering sciences Nurushev Serik Zakirovich.

Since 2015, the renamed department of "Mechanical Engineering" is headed by candidate of Engineering sciences Shayakhmetov Amangeldy Bulatovich.

The department has extensive experience of cooperation with universities in Kazakhstan and Russia:
  • South Ural State Agrarian University;
  • Orenburg State Agrarian University,
  • Kazakh National Agrarian University,
  • Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University;
  • Kazakh Agrarian University. S. Seifullin.
 The department concluded agreements on joint educational and industrial cooperation:
  • SaryarkaAvtoProm LLP;
  • Agromash Holding KZ;
  • Tobol Motors LLP;
  • Avtodom Kostanay LLP;
  • Agrotechmash LLP;