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Department of Electric Power Industry


Scientific directions and research

Topic 1: "Increasing the Efficiency of Heat Pumps" is a research topic of relevance in the field of Renewable Energy Sources (wind and hydropower, biofuels and photovoltaics). Koshkin Igor Vladimirovich, candidate of technical sciences, Vinichuk N.V. - undergraduate of the department.

Target: increasing the efficiency of using heat pumps through the use of a more efficient working medium, materials with improved thermal performance and circuit solutions for the design of the heat exchanger system.


  • Research and develop a way to improve the efficiency of heat pumps;
  • Develop measures to improve the reliability of the use of heat pumps;
  • Explore environmental protection factors.

Expected results:As part of the implementation of scientific work, the publication of intermediate and final results of scientific and technical research in foreign peer-reviewed scientific journals is expected. It is planned to obtain a patent in the Kazakhstan patent bureau. Research and results realized in the course of fulfilling the tasks of scientific work can be used in the course of designing and reconstructing the heat supply of agricultural facilities, consumers of the public utility sector. The social effect of the implementation of scientific work is the stabilization of the social systems of society through the use of environmentally friendly renewable energy sources in heat supply. The developed heat supply schemes for consumers can be used in the reconstruction and design of residential buildings, administrative buildings and buildings, small-scale facilities of agricultural enterprises.

Topic 2:“Research and development of methods and means for finding fault points in networks with a voltage of 6 (10) - 35 kV” is a topic of scientific research that is important in the field of electrical power engineering. Koshkin Igor Vladimirovich, Ph.D. A. Baitursynova, Ogarkova A.I. - PhD student.

Target:improving the accuracy of remote and topological measurements of means and methods for determining the location of damage by taking into account the parameters of the emergency mode and the configuration of the electrical network.


  • Explore modern methods for determining the location of damage and diagnosing elements of electrical networks with a voltage of 6-10 kV;
  • Develop devices for determining the location of damage, taking into account the parameters of the emergency mode and the configuration of the electrical network;

Expected results:The developed methods and device will make it possible to more accurately and visually determine the location of the line damage, simplify the settings made by the operator to the parameters of a particular network. The accuracy of the results obtained will be evaluated. In case of a successful experiment, it is proposed to install the device in the control room of substations, where it is necessary to determine the locations of damage to 6-10 kV networks.

Topic 3:"Development of ways to improve the efficiency of the expansion process in the Kostanay region" is the topic of scientific research, which is important in the field of deep processing of raw materials and products. Sapa Vladimir Yurievich, Candidate of Technical Sciences

Target:The purpose of the project is to increase the efficiency of the preparation of expanded feed by improving the design and operating parameters of the expander.


  • analysis of the state of forage preparation by expansion in the Kostanay region, the production base and technical equipment of the enterprises of the region, devices for the preparation of forage by expansion;
  • development of organizational and technical measures to improve the efficiency of the expansion process. Clarification of changes in the physical and mechanical properties of feed in the process of expansion;
  • development of a program and methodology for experimental studies of the expansion process;
  • theoretical and experimental substantiation of constructive-regime and technological parameters of the expander;
  • feasibility study of investments for the development and implementation of a modernized expander at the enterprises of the Kostanay region.

Expected results:Implementation of publications in foreign peer-reviewed scientific journals upon completion of research. Expected result of reducing the energy intensity of the production expander to 10%. Application of the results obtained on the territory of the Kostanay region.

Topic 4:“Justification for the use of renewable energy sources in the Kostanay region” is the topic of a scientific study of relevance in the field of Renewable energy sources (wind and hydropower, biofuels and photovoltaics). Glushchenko Tatyana Ivanovna Candidate of Economic Sciences; and about. associate professor of KRU. Khabdullina G.K. - doctoral student of the department

Target:The aim of the work is to analyze the energy resources of renewable energy sources in the Kostanay region and evaluate their use for autonomous power and heat supply or in parallel with existing power and heat supply systems.


  • Determination of wind energy, solar and bioresources of the Kostanay region;
  • Development of maps of energy resources of the Kostanay region;
  • Justification of the use of renewable energy sources in the region;
  • Definition of technical measures for the use of renewable energy sources;

Development of recommendations for the use of renewable energy sources in the region.

Expected Result:Currently, energy from renewable sources is practically not used in the Kostanay region. Kostanay region has significant renewable energy resources: helio-, wind- and biomass. For the development of renewable sources, it is necessary to assess energy resources, to determine the settlements in which their use is possible. Develop measures and recommendations for their use.

Topic 5:"Investigation of losses of electrical energy in the energy sector and the development of ways and methods for achieving them" is the topic of scientific research that is of importance in the field of electrical energy. Gladov Yury Vasilyevich Candidate of Technical Sciences; associate professor at KRU.

Target:Reduction of electrical energy losses in the energy sector.


  • Analysis of the problem of electrical energy losses in the energy sector
  • Study of EE metrological losses
  • Investigation of EE technological losses.
  • Study of calculated EE losses.
  • Development of ways and means to reduce EE losses in the energy sector
  • Feasibility study of the developed ways and means to reduce EE losses in the energy sector.

Expected results:Implementation of ways in the energy sector and methods at large energy-intensive enterprises and energy systems of the CIS to reduce losses of electrical energy. Publication of a monograph, publication of articles in publications with an impact factor, registration of applications for inventions and patents.

Topic 6:"Development of a method and device for demagnetization of current transformers magnetized by short-circuit currents without disconnecting the electrical network in automatic mode" is a topic of scientific research that is of importance in the field of electric power industry. Gladov Yury Vasilyevich Candidate of Technical Sciences; associate professor of Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov.

Target:Improving the reliability of relay protection and automation devices and reducing metrological losses of electrical losses in the electric power industry.


  • Analysis of the problem of CT magnetization by short-circuit currents in the electric power industry
  • Analysis of existing methods of CT demagnetization.
  • Development of a method and device for demagnetization of current transformers magnetized by short-circuit currents without disconnecting the electrical network in automatic mode
  • Feasibility study of the implementation of the development.

Expected results:Improving the reliability of the RPA devices by reducing the number of failures and incorrect operation. Reducing metrological losses by improving the accuracy of CTs in electric energy metering devices.

Topic 7:"Development of a method and device for demagnetization of current transformers magnetized by short-circuit currents without disconnecting the electrical network in automatic mode" is a topic of scientific research that is of importance in the field of electric power industry. Gladov Yury Vasilyevich Candidate of Technical Sciences; associate professor of KRU named after A. Baitursynov.

Target:Improving the reliability of relay protection and automation devices and reducing metrological losses of electrical losses in the electric power industry.


  • Analysis of the problem of CT magnetization by short-circuit currents in the electric power industry
  • Analysis of existing methods of CT demagnetization.
  • Development of a method and device for demagnetization of current transformers magnetized by short-circuit currents without disconnecting the electrical network in automatic mode
  • Feasibility study of the implementation of the development.

Expected results: Improving the reliability of the RPA devices by reducing the number of failures and incorrect operation. Reducing metrological losses by improving the accuracy of ICT in electric energy metering devices.

Topic 8:"Development of a technological scheme for the production of activated carbon in an innovative way using raw materials of plant origin." Topic of scientific research of importance in the field of electric power industry. Ibragimova Svetlana Viktorovna, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of KRU named after A. Baitursynov.

Target:development of a complex industrial electrotechnological installation for the production of sorbent in an innovative way using raw materials of plant origin


  • study of the world and Kazakhstan market for the production and consumption of activated carbon by individual industries;
  • study of methods of industrial production of activated carbons;
  • substantiation of the choice of raw materials for the production of activated carbon;
  • creation of a physical model of the process of obtaining activated carbon using modern technical means, including the latest equipment for automatic control of process parameters;
  • development of design, power supply scheme and automated control system of an industrial plant.

Expected results: Creation of a model of an industrial plant and development of a process line for the production of activated carbon for a wide range of applications from domestic raw materials.