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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Bekmaganbetova Makpal Tolepbergenovna
Senior Lecturer Position
  • 2003-2008 Kostanay State University named after A.Baitursynov – Agrotechnical service, qualification - mechanical engineer.
  • 2008-2010 Kostanay State University named after A.Baitursynov - Accounting and аudit, Bachelor of еconomics and вusiness.
Subjects taught
  • Machine mechanics and parts 4
  • Technology of repair of products in Mechanical Engineering 1
  • Information Technologies management in production
  • Technological lines and sets
  • Ergonomics and design of automobile bodies
  • Introduction in professional activity
  • Technological axis
  • Details of the machine
  • Engineering design in Mechanical Engineering 1
  • Design of machine production
  • Technology of repair of products in Mechanical Engineering 2
  • Mechanics and details of the machine 4
  • Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Work experience
  • 2008 - Lecturer at the A. Baitursynov KSU of the Department of Technical Service.
  • 2009 - 2013 lecturer of the A. Baitursynov KSU Department of Technological Machines and Equipment.
  • 2014 - chief specialist of the State Institution "Apparatus of the akim of the Karamendinsky rural district of the Naurzum district".
  • 2014 - 2018 Chief specialist of the State Institution "Apparatus of the akim of the village of Ulenda of the Naurzum district".
  • 2018 – present Senior Lecturer of the A. Baitursynov KRU of the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Certificates of professional development
  • 2019 Advanced training course on the topic «Technologies of education at the university» in the amount of 72 hours. IP Center of Educational and Legal Technologies «Partner», Karaganda, February.
  • 2019 Course on the program «School of curators» in the amount of 72 hours. KSU named after A.Baitursynov, Kostanay, May
  • 2022 g Advanced training course under the program «Modern trends in the development of mechanical engineering technology» in the amount of 72 hours. LLP «Plant of elevator equipment «Astyk» Kostanay, August.
  • 2023 G course improvement of the qualification of the program" the method of the last elements in Mechanical Engineering " in the amount of 72 hours. KRU im.A. Baitursynova G. Kostanai, may.
Awards and prizes
  • Diploma «The best curator of the faculty 2019» of the A. Baitursynov KSU, 2019.
  • Certificate of Honor «The Best curator of the Year» of the A. Baitursynov KSU, 2019.
  • Letter of thanks to the State Institution «Department of Education of the Akimat of Kostanay», 2020.
Training manuals
  • Bekmaganbetova M. T. methodological guidelines for the implementation of practical work on the discipline Technology of using modern means of diagnostics and maintenance of cars. - Kostanay, 2019. -71 P.
  • Bekmaganbetova M. T. methodological guidelines for the implementation of laboratory work on the discipline Technology of using modern means of diagnostics and maintenance of vehicles. - Kostanay, 2019. -69 P.
  • Bekmaganbetova M. T. educational and methodical manual lecture theses on the discipline fundamentals of design of Mechanical shops. - Kostanay, 2023. -98 P.
  • Bekmaganbetova M. T. educational and methodical manual lecture theses on the discipline Technology of Assembly of aggregates and nodes. - Kostanay, 2023. -75 P.
  • Bekmaganbetova M.T., Kudabaeva N.B. The advantage of servicing roadside maintenance stations and using water treatment facilities on them. Dulatov readings 2019 materials of the XI International Scientific and Practical Conference. Part 2 Kostanay, 2019-p.58-61. ISBN978-601-7396-35-0.
  • Bekmaganbetova M.T., Kylyshbay M.M., Zhanalinov B.N., Increasing the durability of machine components and parts. «Youth and science in the conditions of new industrial modernization and updating of the content of education»: Materials of the international scientific and practical conference of students and undergraduates - Kostanay: A. Baitursynov Kostanay State University, 2019. –354-357 pp. ISBN 978-601-7985-39-4.
  • Bekmaganbetova M.T., Kurmanov A. K. For the preparation of feed based on the simulation of the improvement of machines. «Baitursynov Readings - 2019» on the topic: «Diversity of the great Steppe: spiritual revival, knowledge and innovation», International scientific-practical conference content, held on April 26, 2019. - Kostanay: A. Baitursynov Kostanay State University, 2019. - 406-410 pр. ISBN 978-601-7985-38-7.
  • Bekmaganbetova M.T., Karakulov C.E., Tiginen kop salaly stanokty zhangyrtu maksatynda shpindel tuyinderin azirleu. International scientific and practical conference on the topic: "Scientific research of sustainable development of the country: current issues and achievements", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the birth of Doctor of Economics, Professor Zhientaev Sansyzbai Mukhametgalievich and the National Currency Day on November 11, 2022 - Kostanay: Kostanay Regional University named after A.Baitursynov, Institute of Economics and Law named after P. Chuzhinova 2022 -71-75 p. ISBN 978-601-356-211-7.
  • Bekmaganbetova M.T., Karakulov C.E., Zhabdykty zhangyrtudyn tiimdi zhagdayy. International scientific and practical conference on the topic: "Modern problems of animal science", December 21, 2022 - Kostanay: Kostanay Regional University named after A.Baitursynov, Agricultural Institute named after V. Dvurechensky 2022 -191-196 p. ISBN 978-601-356-212-4.
  • Bekmaganbetova M. T., Aitbayev M. M. development of a technological process for manufacturing a part of a guide body Westnik of the Kostanay social and Technical University named after academician Zulkharnai Aldamzhar G. Kostanay, 2023 10-15 P. ISSN 2305-3356.
  • Bekmaganbetova M. T., Aitbayev M. M. development of the technological process of processing the body part with the design of the mechanical section of the workshop Vestnik nauki Kostanay social and Technical University named after Akademika Zulkharnai Aldamzhar G Kostanai, 2023 year 15-18 P. ISSN 2305-3356.
  • Bekmaganbetova M. T., Aitbaev M. M. development of the technological process for manufacturing parts of the hydraulic drive of the Motor concrete mixer spindle "leading Val" Vestnik nauki Kostanay social and Technical University named after Akademika Zulkharnai Aldamzhar G Kostanay, 2023 year 18-24 P. ISSN 2305-3356.