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Department of Electric Power Industry

Temirkhanova Khadisha Zapievna
Senior lecturer Position
Master of Technical Sciences Academic degree
  • 1982-1985 Shymkent Power Engineering College, specialty: "Relay protection and automation of power systems" with qualification: "Electrical engineering".
  • 1985-1990 Alma – Ata Power Engineering Institute, specialty: "Electric Power Engineering" with the assignment of qualification: "engineer – teacher of electric power disciplines".
  • 2019-2021 Kostanay Regional University, Master's degree in the educational program 7M07101 - Electric power engineering, scientific and pedagogical direction, awarded the degree - Master of Technical Sciences with honors.
Subjects taught
  • Theoretical foundations of electrical engineering
  • Electrical machines,
  • Industrial electronics,
  • Design of electrification systems,
  • Electrical engineering and introduction specialty,
  • Electric lighting
Work experience
  • 2000 – present Senior lecturer of Kostanay Regional University / Kostanay Engineering and Technical Institute.
  • 1990-2000 Arkalyk Polytechnic College as a teacher of electric power disciplines.
Certificates/certificates of professional development
  • 2021 Advanced training course on "Relay protection, automation of electric power systems and networks" Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Toraigyrov University, Pavlodar, from January 11 to 21, 2021 (72 hours).
  • 2021 Advanced training courses "Innovations in industrial electric power industry", Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Toraighyrov University, Pavlodar, from January 12 to 22, 2021 (72 hours).
  • 2020 Completed a scientific and practical internship in the amount of 72 hours, "innovative production and automation of industrial machinery" from November 16 to 25, 2020, "Saryarkaavtoprom" Kostanay.
Training manuals
  • Temirkhanova H. Z. "Theoretical foundations of Automatic Control".- Kostanay KGU im. A. Baitursynova, 2017. - 116 pages. ISBN 978-601-7385-96-5 with Griffin Mon RK.
  • Temirkhanova H. Z. Yesimkhanov S. B. "Technology of installation of electrical equipment", Kostanay: A. Baitursynov KSU, 2018. - page 104 ISBN 978-601-7597-04-7.
  • Temirkhanova H. Z., Sabitbek O. B. "Electric machines", Kostanay: A. Baitursynov KSU, 2022. - page 95 ISBN 978-601-356-132-5.