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Department of Electric Power Industry

Sarsenbaeva Gauhar Asanovna
Senior Lecturer Position
Master of Agriculture Academic degree


  • 1999-2004 A. Baitursynov KSU, Faculty of Engineering and Physics, specialty "Power supply and electrification of industrial enterprises", specialization: "electrical engineer".
  • 2017-2019 Master's degree of the A.Baitursynov KRU in the specialty "Agricultural machinery and technology.

Subjects taught

  • Electrical stations and substations
  • Design of power supply systems
  • Relay protection and automation
  • Installation of electrical installations
  • Mathematical problems of power engineering,
  • Fundamentals of electrical safety
  • Fundamentals of Power supply

Work experience

  • 2004-2010  A.Baitursynov KSU, Faculty of Engineering and Physics -Lecturer of the Department of Electric Power Engineering.
  • 2010-2011 ETC "Forfait" - engineer for operational dispatch service modes.
  • 2011-2012 – LUKE PEA (Lisakovskgorkommunenergo) – electrician for substation maintenance.
  • 2012-2016 – Mezhregionenergotransit LLP - dispatcher of the operational dispatch service of the Lisakovskaya operational and production base; Lisakovsk.
  • 2016-2017 - Mezhregionenergotransit LLP as an engineer for the modes of the Central Control Center (central dispatch service), Kostanay.
  • 2017-2018 Kostanay Vodproekt LLP as an electrical engineer, worked as a designer.
  • 2019-to date, I work at the A. Baitursynov KRU as a senior lecturer at the Department of Electric Power Engineering.

Certificates/ certificates of professional development 

  • In 2019, she was trained at seminars on the work of Moodle distance courses, received 5 certificates, for a total of 216 hours.
  • 2020 Advanced training courses in inclusive education at the A. Baitursynov KRU. (72 hours).
  • 2021 English course Pre-Intermediate level (72 hours).
  • 2022 Advanced training course in the discipline Relay protection and automation, according to the program: "Microprocessor devices of RZA. Parameterization and configuration" - (40 hours).
  • 2022 Advanced training course according to the professional program: "Methodology for assessing students' academic achievements at the university" - (72 hours).
  • 2022 Kazakh language courses. On June 2 , 2022 , she took the exam KAZTEST level B1.
  • 2022 Advanced training courses on "Digital methods of Hamilton-Jacobi equations" 36 hours.


  • Ibragimova S.V., Sarsenbayeva G.A. E Electrical networks and systems. Study guide. – Kostanay, 2020. – 136 b.
  • Sarsenbayeva G.A - Maintenance and repair of electrical equipment of power plants and networks. Study guide - Kostanay:, 2021. – 98 б.