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Department of Electric Power Industry

Koshkin Igor Vladimirovich
Head of department Position
Candidate of technical sciences Scientific degree
  • 1991 - 1997 Kostanay Agricultural Institute - electrical engineer
  • 2008 - Kazakh National Agrarian University (KazNAU), Almaty: Candidate of Technical Sciences 05.20.02 Electrical technologies and electrical equipment in agriculture
Subjects taught
  • Design of power supply systems
  • Rational power supply
  • Modern problems of electric power industry
  • Theoretical foundations of power supply
  • Modeling of electric power complexes and systems
Work experience
  • 1997-2011 Lecturer at the Department of Power Supply of A. Baitursynov KSU
  • 2011 - present Head of the Department of Electric Power Engineering of Kostanay Regional University named after A. Baitursynov
Certificates/certificates of professional development
  • Russia, Omsk State Pedagogical University, Center for Educational Initiatives, Program "Innovative technologies for student-centered learning in the educational process of the university", 2018
  • MONRK JSC "National Center for Advanced Studies "Orleu", PC on the topic: "Modern pedagogical technologies in higher educational institutions" - 08.12.2018
  • "Innovative technologies in mechanical engineering-international cooperation between Kazakhstan and Bulgaria". A. Baitursynov KRU, Certificate No. 3511, 72 hours, 2021
  • "Waste management", Issyk-Kul State University, Kyrgyzstan, certificate le180000416, 72 hours, 2022.
  • On the course" energy efficiency and energy saving", "modern approaches to the design of public buildings and structures", Kostanay branch of ELNURSERVIS LLP, Certificate No. 0083, 72 hours, 2021.
Training manuals
  • A. Svirina, A.B. Utegulov. I.V. Koshkin Fundamentals of designing power supply systems. Tutorial. - Kostanay, 2018. - 128 p.
  • A. Svirina, A.I. Ogarkova A.B. Utegulov. I.V. Koshkin Modeling of electric power complexes and systems. - Kostanay, 2021. - 69 p.
International projects
National projects
  • Participation in the Project of the State Program for Industrial and Innovative Development (SPIIR-2), KSU named after A. Baitursynov, 2017-2019