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Department of Electric Power Industry

Gladov Yurij Vasilevich
Acting Associate Professor Position
Candidate of Technical Sciences Scientific degree
  • 1966 Kazakh Polytechnic Institute, electrical engineer.
  • 1990 Belarusian Polytechnic Institute, candidate of technical sciences.
Subjects taught
  • Relay protection and automation
  • Installation of electrical equipment
  • Repair and maintenance of electrical equipment
  • Fundamentals of electrical safety
  • Introduction to the specialty and electrical engineering
Work experience
  • 1961-2000 Production activities at electric power facilities.
  • 2001-2010 Associate Professor of Kostanay University of Engineering and Economics.
  • 2011 - present Acting associate professor of KRU named after A. Baitursynov.
  • Problems of summing random errors of measuring transformers in three-phase complexes for accounting and measuring electrical energy, Bulletin of Science No. 1 2019, Kostanay Social and Technical University.
  • Practical-industrial training of students of the specialty "Electric Power Engineering" without additional training in the workplace. "Bilim Zharysy" student newspaper of KSU named after Baitursynov dated April 25, 2019).