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Department of Agrarian Engineering and Transportation


The department trains highly qualified specialists in the field of technical and agricultural sciences. The department improves: curricula and programs, material and technical base, educational process with educational and teaching materials in two languages - Kazakh and Russian.

The classrooms of the Department of Agricultural Technology and Transport are decorated with visual information stands, various layouts, installations, operating stands, and equipment.

The department's classrooms are equipped with stands in accordance with the priority areas of development of research and innovation activities.

There is a good material base and educational and methodological support for the successful implementation of the educational process. Students have at their disposal educational laboratories, computer classes with Internet access.

To ensure a high-quality educational process, there is appropriate equipment, which is located in the training laboratories: “Post-harvest grain processing”, “Engine repair”, “Sowing and planting machines”, “Mechanization of livestock”, “Design of tractors and cars”, “Hydraulic systems of tractors and cars” ", "Testing of automobile and tractor engines", "Fuels and lubricants".

Classes in the discipline "Fuel-lubricants and technical fluids" are held in a specialized laboratory, which is equipped with special installations and devices for the study of fuels, lubricants and various technical fluids.