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Department of Agrarian Engineering and Transportation

Ibraimov Kuat Talgatovich
Lecturer Position
Master of technical sciences Academic degree


  • 2017-2021 Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov, specialty" transport, transport equipment and technologies".
  • 2021-2023 Kostanay regional university named after A. Baitursynov, received a master's degree in the program "information technologies and Robotics", an academic degree of Master of technical sciences.

Subjects taught

  • Dynamics of cars
  • Fundamentals of technical operation of transport equipment
  • Technical operation of power units and transmissions of cars
  • Installation of the construction of cars
  • Assembly of transport equipment
  • Fundamentals of production technology and repair of transport equipment. Structural materials in the agro-industrial complex
  • Lifting equipment

Work experience

  • 2023 - currently a lecturer at the Kostanay Regional University named after A. Baitursynuly.

Certificates of professional development 

  • 2023 Advanced training course on the topic "Lifting equipment used in the repair of vehicles" September 2023 (72 hours). Tobol Motors LLP.
  • 2023 Advanced training course on the topic "Assembly, installation and diagnostics of modern vehicles" September 2023 (72 hours). Tobol Motors LLP.
  • 2023 Advanced training course on the topic "Use of vehicles in agricultural production" August 2023 (72 hours). Roselmash.
  • 2023 Advanced training course on the topic "Organization of assembly and use of vehicles in agricultural production" August 2023 (72 hours). Roselmash.
  • 2023 Advanced training course on the topic "Use of power plants in agricultural machinery" August 2023 (72 hours). Roselmash.


  • Ibraimov K.T Анализ проводимых работ по внедрению новых технологии «ИНДУСТРИИ 4.0» и готовность Казахстана к новым изменениям. BULLETIN OF SCIENCE. International Scientific Journal. Issue No. 12 (45). Volume 1. December 2021. – Togliatti, 2021. – p.128-135.
  • Ibraimov K.T Исследование возможности внедрения новых технологий "Индустрии 4.0" в Костанайские заводы. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Baitursynov readings -2022". 15 April 2022 г. – Костанай, 2022. – p. 326-329.
  • Ibraimov K.T NVIDIA компаниясының ISAAC SDK көмегімен виртуалды ортада роботтарды модельдеу - "Young researcher: Challenges and prospects". XV International Scientific and practical conference. № 6 (295). February 2023. – Moscow, 2023. – p. 209 – 213.
  • Ibraimov K.T Monitoring the safety and fault tolerance of the enterprise's network devices through the zabbix system. Young researcher: challenges and prospects. CCCII International Scientific and Practical conference. № 13 (302). April 2023 г. – Moscow, 2023. – p.303- 307.