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Department of Agrarian Engineering and Transportation

Khasenov Uralbay Baizakovich
Senior Lecturer Position


  • 1989 Kustanai Agricultural Institute. Specialty "Agronomy", qualification "Scientist agronomist".
  • 2006 Orenburg State Agrarian University., 05.20.01-technologies and means of mechanization of agriculture, Candidate of Technical Sciences.

Subjects taught

  • Introduction to professional activity
  • Fundamentals of foundry production
  • Control systems in mechanical engineering
  • Metrology, standardization and certification
  • Reliability of technological machines
  • Reliability and diagnostics of technical systems
  • CAD/CAM/CAE systems in mechanical engineering

Work experience

  • 2005 – present Senior lecturer of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Kostanay Regional University named after A. Baitursynov.
  • 2000-2006 Candidate of Orenburg State Agrarian University, specialty 05.20.01 – Technologies and means of mechanization of agriculture, Candidate of Technical Sciences.

Certificates of professional development

  • Certificate of advanced training No. 2464374 Belarusian State Institute of Advanced Training and Retraining of Personnel. Educational program "Testing of food and agricultural products". 14-18.12.2015.
  • Certificate of advanced training on the topic: Technology of storage and processing and processing of agricultural products. 16-25.11.2016 St. Petersburg State University.
  • Certificate of advanced training on the topic: Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials. 14.01.2016.
  • Certificate of advanced training on the topic: "Ways to solve the problems of implementing technical regulations in the Republic of Kazakhstan" 04-16.01.2016.
  • DistriLab LLP. Topic: Modern laboratory devices for science and industry (72 hours). March 17, 2016
  • Certificate of improvement of qualifications on the topic:" distance learning in organizations of technical and professional, post-secondary education: from content creation to Organization of the educational process " for 36 hours. MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN. 24.05.2020
  • Certificate of advanced training on the topic:"Online teacher" methods and tools of effective online learning (72 hours) No. 1466. 04/21/2023
  • Certificate theoretical webinar course on the topic: "Spreads: composition, technology, prospects" No. 5. Nur-sultan2022.
  • 2021 Innovative technologies in mechanical engineering -international cooperation between Kazakhstan and Bulgaria - December, 2021 A.Baitursynov KRU, Kostanay city (72 hours)
  • Certificate of advanced training on the topic: "Organizational and methodological support for the implementation of vocational training programs (72 hours) No. 22-0207. 29.04-16.05.2022
  • The certificate confirms that from April 24 to May 04, 2023, he took the course under the program "method of the last elements in Mechanical Engineering" in the amount of 72 hours. №8388.

Activities in the service sector

  • Expert-patriot of the regional championship "Worldskills Kostanay-2020".

Training manuals

  • Erish N. A., Tulemis T. S., Khasenov U. B. grain quality analysis. "I don't know," he said. - Kostanay, 2018 – 102 p.


  • Khasenov U.B., Tolemis T.S., Isetova A. Improving the design parameters of the molding hole (nozzle, die) of an extruder for squeezing sunflower seed oil. Scientific journal "Bulletin of the Master's Degree" Russia, Republic of Mari El, Yoshkar-Ola, - 2017. -No. 1-4-C28-29.
  • Kurmanov A.K., Kabdusheva A.S. Khasenov U.B. Particular methodology for experimental research of single-screw extruder PE - 20. “Kozybayev Readings-2018: Eurasian potential and new development opportunities in the face of global challenges”: materials of the international scientific and practical conference: in 3 volumes. T. 3. – Petropavlovsk: NKSU named after. M. Kozybaeva, 2018. – pp. 181-185.
  • Kurmanov A.K., Kabdusheva A.S. Khasenov U.B. Theoretical studies of the movement of pressed material in the screw channel of an extruder. “Kozybayev Readings 2018: Eurasian potential and new development opportunities in the face of global challenges”: materials of the international scientific and practical conference: in 3 volumes. T. 3. – Petropavlovsk: NKSU named after. M. Kozybaeva, 2018. – pp. 185-189.
  • Khasenov U.B., Erish N.A., Tolemis T.S., Milovanova D.V. Analysis of the current state of the problem and justification for the direction of improving bread production at agricultural enterprises. Bulletin of the State University named after Shakarim of Semey, 2019, - No. 2(86), P.172-177;
  • Kurmanov A.K., Kabdusheva A.S. Khasenov U.B. Research on the design features of the extruder screw. Fundamental and applied research in the modern world. Materials of the ⅩⅩⅤ international scientific and practical conference 02/20/2019 - p.56-58.
  • Kabdusheva, A., Kurmanov, A., Amantayev, M., Khasenov, Y. & Sapa, V. (2020). The effect of parameters on the performance efficacy of a single screw feed extruder using a design experiments and response surface methodology. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 26 (No 2) 2020, 492–497.
  • Kurmanov A.K., Kabdusheva A.S. Khasenov U.B. BULLETIN OF SCIENCE Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after. S. Seifullina (interdisciplinary) No. 4 (111) - Nur-Sultan 2021, pp. 90-97. Rationale for the design of an extruder screw for feed production.
  • Kurmanov A.K., Kabdusheva A.S. Khasenov U.B. BULLETIN OF SCIENCE Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after. S. Seifullina (interdisciplinary) No. 4 (111) - Nur-Sultan 2021, pp. 97-104. Rationale for the design of an extruder screw for feed production. Justification of wheat grain parameters.
  • Uralbay Khassenov1 Karina Zhanabayeva1*, GainiyaYesseyeva 2, Nurlaim Ongarbayeva3. TECHNOLOGY OF PRODUCTION OF A NEW TYPE OF TRITICALE FLOUR FOR CONFECTIONERY. ISSN: 2096-3246 Volume 54, Issue 02, November, 2022, pp. 4067-4081. AES-24-11-2022-472. GongchengKexue Yu Jishu/Advanced Engineering Science.

Brief listing of new professional, developmental developments, authorship or co-authorship in scientific or developmental developments

  • A.K. 46372. Prev. patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 16535. – Appl. 02/09/2004. - Publ. 12/15/2005. - Bull. No. 12. Device for extruding feed. Khasenov U.B., Kurmanov A.K.
  • A.K. 52061. Prev. patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 18519. – Declaration 05/30/2005. - Publ. 06/15/2007. - Bull. No. 6. Extruder. Khasenov U.B., Kurmanov A.K. Isintaev T.I., Kurmanov B.K. Gavrilov N.V.
  • Author's ID No. 86240. Innovative patent No. 29385. Application No. 2014/0101.1. Application submission date: 01/30/2014. Registration Number 27295 dated 10/17/2014. Vibrating sieve. Khasenov U.B., Kurmanov A.K., Ryspaev K.S., Ryspaeva M.K.
  • Author's certificate No. 93401. Innovative patent No. 31317. Application No. 2015/0243.1. Application submission date: 02/23/2015. Horizontal-vertical wind turbine. Khasenov U.B., Isintaev T.I., Kurmanov A.K., Ryspaev K.S., Ryspaeva M.K.
  • Author's certificate No. 93401. Innovative patent No. 92752. Application No. 2015/0492.1. Application submission date: 04/06/2015. Vertical wind turbine. Khasenov U.B., Dzhamanbalin K.K., Baimukhamedov M.F., Ryspaev K.S., Ryspaeva M.K.
  • Certificate 10634. Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan 33280. Registered in the state. Register of inventions of the Republic of Kazakhstan 11/12/2018 Device for processing sunflower seeds. Khasenov U.B., Kurmanov A.K., Ryspaev K.S., et al.
  • Utility model patent No. 4844. Registered in the state. Register of inventions of the Republic of Kazakhstan 04/06/2020 Device for heat treatment of feed by extrusion. Khasenov U.B., Kurmanov A.K., Ryspaev K.S., Zhamanbalin K.K., Kabdusheva A.S.