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Department of Agrarian Engineering and Transportation


Scientific directions

The teaching staff of the Department of Agricultural Technology and Transport conducts active research work in the field of agricultural engineering science.

Scientists of the department are implementing an initiative topic in the priority area “Improvement, development and justification of the parameters and operating modes of a set of machines for cultivating agricultural crops in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan.”

Goal: To justify, develop and introduce new, improved and energy-saving technical means for cultivating agricultural crops adapted to the soil and climatic conditions of Northern Kazakhstan within the framework of modern agricultural technologies.

This scientific work is carried out in the following areas:

  1. Development of rotary tillage machines with innovative active action working bodies (ROAD) (Doctor of Philosophy (PhD): Amantaev M.A., Kravchenko R.I.);
  2. Development and improvement of processes, technologies and vehicles of the agro-industrial complex (candidate of technical sciences, associated professors (associate professors): Salykov B.R., Nurushev S.Z.);
  3.  Improvement and development of promising working parts of machines for cultivating soil and sowing agricultural crops in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan (Doctor of Philosophy (PhD): Amantaev M.A., Zolotukhin E.A.);
  4. Improvement and development of new sowing devices for differentiated dosing of seeds and fertilizers in the precision farming system (Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Zolotukhin E.A.);
  5. Improving the design and operating parameters of the extruder (Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Kabdusheva A.S.);
  6. Features of mechanization of water supply to objects with low consumption (Ph.D., Acting Professor Benyukh O.A.).

Dissertation research

One of the most important tasks facing the department is the training of highly qualified personnel - Doctors of Philosophy (PhD) in the educational program 8D08701 Agricultural technology and technology and 8D08702 Agricultural technology and technology as well as masters of agricultural and technical sciences. In this regard, the teachers of the department are conducting active research work within the framework of dissertations on the following topics:

Salykov Bulat Rakhimzhanovich, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor (associate professor):

  • Topic 1. Improving wind turbines for small farms.
  • Topic 2. Use of road transport in the transportation of agricultural goods.

Amantaev Maksat Amantayuly, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), acting associate professor

  • Topic 1. Justification of the parameters of a ring working body with an active drive for surface tillage.
  • Topic 2. Justification of the parameters of an active rotary working body for surface tillage.
  • Topic 3. Development of the working body of a seeder for sowing grain crops.
  • Topic 4. Development of a laboratory installation for studying furrow formation with rotary working bodies.
  • Topic 5. Development of a harrow working body for surface tillage.
  • Topic 6. Development of a fuel heating system for a truck for operation in the cold season.
  • Topic 7. Increasing the cross-country ability of multi-axle vehicles by decentralizing tire pressure regulation.
  • Topic 8. Study of the operational performance of a road train with a trailer dynamic stabilization system.

In 2019, a doctoral dissertation was defended for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in specialty 6D080600 – Agricultural technology and technology – R.I. Kravchenko.

In 2022, a doctoral dissertation was defended for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 6D080600 - Agricultural technology and technology - Kabdusheva A.S.

In 2023, a doctoral dissertation was defended for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 6D080600 - Agricultural technology and technology - Kuvaev A.N.

International projects within the Erasmus+ program:

“Improving postgraduate education in the field of sustainable agriculture and agricultural systems of the future (SAGRIS).”

Project goals and objectives:

The project aims to contribute to the strengthening of the profile and internationalization of universities and increasing the capacity of young scientists to meet the demand for research in the field of sustainable agriculture and agricultural systems of the future in Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation.

Building the capacity of agricultural faculties supports their engagement in international scientific collaboration and addressing current and future societal challenges in the areas of food security and climate change mitigation.

The results of the project will serve to improve both the attractiveness and quality of postgraduate education, as partners are supported to provide high-quality education that attracts and prepares young people to become more involved in agricultural research and education.

“Promoting the circular economy in partner countries through the development and implementation of the master’s program “Waste Management” (UnWaste).

Relevance of the project:

In Kazakhstan, in recent years, with the growth of the economic level, household consumption and, accordingly, the volume of solid household waste have increased significantly. Now the amount of waste per capita in the country is approaching EU levels. Kazakhstan's progress in the economic sphere (101st place on the environmental efficiency index) is hampered by the lag in the waste management sector (53.35 points of environmental viability). The main way to dispose of waste is to place it in landfills and landfills. In this regard, there is a need to create a new approach to waste disposal. There are systemic problems in creating waste management infrastructure, including the lack of qualified specialists capable of dealing with the growing amount of waste using a systematic approach.

The broader goal of the project is to influence the current situation by developing engineering-oriented curricula in waste management at master's level and raising awareness of the circular economy through the development of new higher education curricula.

Main target group: students, teaching staff. The indirect beneficiaries of the project are: industry partners, non-profit organizations and politicians.


For the 2022–2024 academic year, members of the department published 9 articles in journals indexed in the Scopus database, 14 articles in journals recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and 2 utility model patents were registered.

The results of research work are many published monographs, scientific articles, obtained copyright certificates and patents, as well as developed educational and teaching aids.