Dear friends, we are glad to welcome you to the Department of Agricultural Technology and Transport of the Ahmet Baitursynuly KRU!
Educational program - 6B07101 Transport, Transport Engineering and Technologies
Advantages of the educational program:
Demand in the labor market, high wages, prestige of the specialty, the opportunity to work at large enterprises for the assembly and maintenance of motor transport.
For admission to a bachelor's degree:
- Profile subjects of the UNT: Mathematics and Physics
- Passing score: 50
Objects of professional activity:
- Enterprises and organizations operating transport equipment,
- machine-building plants producing transport equipment and equipment,
- design, design and technological organizations,
- machine repair enterprises,
- branded and dealer centers of machine-building and repair plants,
- marketing and forwarding services,
- transport management services.
Where and by whom can I work?
- Head of a car service station,
- operator of automated transport systems,
- technician of alternative and eco-transport,
- auto expert,
- mechanical engineer 2.0,
- engineer for the organization of production management,
- production preparation engineer,
- process engineer,
- engineer for technical operation of transport equipment,
- college teacher,
- researcher,
- designer,
- technologist,
- digital logistician.
Educational program - 6B08701 Agricultural machinery and technology
Advantages of the educational program:
Due to the peculiarities of the region, the "agricultural sector of the republic" is given the opportunity to work in the largest enterprises of the country specializing in the production and maintenance of agricultural machinery, cultivation of agricultural crops.
For admission to a bachelor's degree:
- Profile subjects of the UNT: Mathematics and Physics
- Passing score: 50
Objects of professional activity:
- Enterprises of plant growing and animal husbandry for the production, storage, transportation and processing of products;
- enterprises of maintenance of agrotechnological machines and equipment;
- environmental enterprises;
- environmental enterprises;
- colleges;
- farms, organizations and enterprises specializing in the design, production, use and supply of agro-industrial equipment, farms and peasant farms;
- firms of the agro-industrial complex;
- design and engineering bureaus.
Where and by whom can I work?
- Engineer for the introduction of new equipment and technology,
- livestock breeder on dairy farms,
- engineer for automation and robotization of agricultural production (agroinformatics),
- specialist in the export of agricultural products,
- specialist in new technologies in agriculture.
After completing your bachelor's degree, you have the opportunity to enroll in our Master's degree programs: 7M08701 Agricultural Machinery and Technology and 7M07105 Transport, Transport Machinery and Technology.
Educational program - 7M07105 Transport, transport equipment and technologies (2 years)
The purpose of the educational program :
Training of competitive, competent scientific and pedagogical personnel with professional competencies and skills in demand on the labor market in the field of transport, transport equipment and technologies.
Degree awarded
Master of Technical Sciences in the educational program "7M07105 Transport, transport equipment and technologies".
For admission to the master's program 7M07105 – Transport, transport equipment and technology:
Applicants entering master's degree programs in scientific and pedagogical areas (training period 2 years) take computer testing consisting of THREE blocks:
- Block 1 – “Foreign language test”. Consists of sections: listening, lexical and grammatical tasks, reading;
- Block 2 – “Test to determine readiness for learning. Consists of sections: critical thinking (elementary mathematics, interpretation of various forms of information), analytical thinking (analysis of academic and popular science texts, identification of hidden patterns, cause-and-effect relationships);
- Block 3 – “Test on the profile of groups of educational programs. Consists of two specialized disciplines.
List of positions on the OP:
- researcher,
- university/college lecturer,
- director of a transport technology company,
- head,
- engineer,
- designer,
- manager of a transport and logistics center,
- head of the logistics department,
- head of the production logistics group.
Objects of professional activity:
- machine-building plants producing transport machinery and equipment,
- enterprises and organizations operating transport equipment,
- design,
- design and technological organizations.
- machine repair enterprises.
- branded and dealer centers of machine-building and repair plants.
- marketing and freight forwarding services,
- material and technical support systems,
- transport management services,
- colleges and universities.
Educational program - 7М08701 Agricultural machinery and technology (2 years)
The purpose of the educational program:
Training of competitive, competent scientific and pedagogical personnel with professional and scientific competencies and skills for their implementation in practical and scientific activities with the award of a Master of Agricultural Sciences degree to meet the needs of science, education and production in the field of agricultural machinery and technology.
Degree awarded:
Master of Agricultural Sciences in the educational program "7M08701 Agricultural machinery and technology".
For admission to the master's program 7M08701 – Agricultural machinery and technology:
Applicants entering master's degree programs in scientific and pedagogical areas (training period 2 years) take computer testing consisting of THREE blocks:
- Block 1 – “Foreign language test”. Consists of sections: listening, lexical and grammatical tasks, reading;
- Block 2 – “Test to determine readiness for learning. Consists of sections: critical thinking (elementary mathematics, interpretation of various forms of information), analytical thinking (analysis of academic and popular science texts, identification of hidden patterns, cause-and-effect relationships);
- Block 3 – “Test on the profile of groups of educational programs. Consists of two specialized disciplines.
List of positions on the OP:
- researcher,
- teacher,
- director,
- head,
- engineer,
- designer,
- specialist in new technologies in agriculture,
- specialist in the export of agricultural products.
Objects of professional activity:
- social and entrepreneurial complexes,
- design and engineering organizations, local and republican agricultural management bodies,
- higher and secondary specialized, vocational educational institutions of a technical profile,
- scientific and production institutions,
- apparatus of district, regional, republican structures,
- various types of agricultural formations (firms, enterprises, farms),
- processing and energy supply enterprises, factories.
After completing your Master's degree, you have the opportunity to enroll in our doctoral educational program: 8D08701 Agricultural Machinery and Technology.
Educational program - 8D08701 Agricultural machinery and technology
The purpose of the educational program:
Training of competitive, competent scientific and pedagogical personnel with professional and scientific competencies and skills for their implementation in practical and scientific activities with the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) or doctor in the profile to meet the needs of science, education and production in the field of agricultural machinery and technology.
Degree awarded:
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the educational program "8D08701 Agricultural machinery and technology".
For admission (doctoral studies):
- For admission to doctoral studies 8D08701 - Agricultural Engineering and Technology, you must have certificates: IELTS (not lower than 6.0), KAZTEST, as well as passing computer testing in specialized disciplines and writing essays.
List of positions on the OP:
- researcher,
- teacher,
- director,
- chief,
- engineer,
- designer,
- director (head, manager) of the enterprise,
- project manager for the development of new products.
Objects of professional activity:
- social and entrepreneurial complexes,
- design and engineering organizations,
- local and republican agricultural management bodies,
- higher and secondary specialized, vocational educational institutions of a technical profile,
- scientific and industrial institutions,
- apparatus of district, regional,
- republican structures.
Educational program - 8D08702 Agricultural machinery and technology
The purpose of the educational program:
Training of competitive, competent scientific and pedagogical personnel with professional and scientific competencies and skills for their implementation in practical and scientific activities with the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) or doctor in the profile to meet the needs of science, education and production in the field of agricultural machinery and technology.
Degree awarded:
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the educational program "8D08702 Agricultural machinery and technology".
For admission (doctoral studies):
- For admission to doctoral studies 8D08702 - Agricultural Engineering and Technology, you must have certificates: IELTS or Duolingo, KAZTEST, as well as passing computer testing in specialized disciplines and writing essays.
List of positions on the OP:
- researcher,
- teacher,
- director,
- chief,
- engineer,
- designer,
- director (head, manager) of the enterprise,
- project manager for the development of new products.
Objects of professional activity:
- social and entrepreneurial complexes,
- design and engineering organizations,
- local and republican agricultural management bodies,
- higher and secondary specialized, vocational educational institutions of a technical profile,
- scientific and industrial institutions,
- apparatus of district, regional, republican structures.
Phone number of the admissions committee: 8 (7142) 54 28 49